Holden’s Story

Holden William Stine was born at 26 weeks gestation, weighing 1lb 14ozs. He was born premature due to a rare pregnancy complication. His lungs were severely underdeveloped and he spent the entire year that he survived in the hospital. He was born to Garrett and Chavanne Stine. Chavanne spent two months in the hospital herself due to the high risk of the pregnancy and recovery from the surgery.
Holden was delivered and spent most of his days at Lafayette General Medical Center in Lafayette, La. The surgery required for Holden’s birth and Chavanne’s surgery was complex. In fact, it was the first time Lafayette General performed the surgery, opening the door for other babies with this complication to be born at LGMC in the future. Holden was also a patient at Oschner Baptist NICU and PICU as he was transferred between the hospitals for surgery and additional pulmonary care. He spent his life on a ventilator and his lungs were never strong enough to transition to a home vent.
Holden was not able to move out of his hospital room to be with his family at home. During Holden’s final moments on earth, he was a patient at Texas Children’s Hospital. Garrett and Chavanne opted for the best hospital care in the country for pediatric pulmonary care, seeking a lung transplant for him. Holden passed away two days before his first birthday.